Artist Insider 2.2: Tom Bogan – Foreign and Domestic

Insider: Tom Bogan

Day 2 with Tom Bogan and it gets deep. We pick up right where we left off yesterday talking about getting a publisher. There is a real emphasis on topics that songwriters need to know.

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Questions and Topics:

  • When will someone exploit my work?
  • Demos can be used to register a copyright
  • Contract signed; then what does the accounting department do?
  • Royalty rates are not always the same
  • Exploited – in music industry = song has been sold and people get paid
  • Is there a difference when a sale is in a foreign territory? How?

Tom did a great job detailing a lot of the aspects and the thing to remember is that if you are involved in creating music, even if you have a small deal, these aspects covered need to be agreed upon up front, or you have the potential of loosing money or going through a huge fight.

Running time: 11 minutes 49 seconds

March 30, 2006


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