Artist Insider 15:3 – Jennifer Blair – Break a Leg

Insider: Jennifer Blair

The common theme of networking comes up today, as does more about how Jennifer promotes songs to radio programmers.

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  • What are you paid to do?
  • Do you set up personal appearances?
  • How should someone contact you?
  • What do you do first with a perspective client?
  • How are you compensated for your work?
  • How are other promoters paid?
  • What information do you report back to your clients?
  • Are you working the larger markets?
  • Why is it hard to get into the chart reporting stations?
  • How do you better your education?
  • How important is networking in this business?
  • What are your hours in the day?
  • What is a phone call like to a radio station programmer?
  • Do you keep call logs?

Enjoy your weekend, Monday we will be back with more about the current state of music radio.

Running time: 11 minutes 37 seconds

August 11, 2006


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