*Live* Q&A Thursday March 27th 5:05EST | March 25, 2008
Just a quick reminder, we will do a *Live* Artist Insider Q&A this Thursday.
Send in your questions, even if you expect to be there live. We will answer questions form people who call in or are in the chat first, but then questions from our que.
The major topic, after audience questions, is “How to get the most out of a conference?” in honor of us attending a few this weekend.
RSS is your Friend | March 14, 2008
RSS should be as, if not more, important to you as email. It can save you lots more time and energy.
[Read more]
Artist Insider Q&A 2008-03-13 Video Copyright Producer | March 13, 2008
Fourth show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan
Direct Download as an MP3
Subscriptions information – download each day automatically
Questions, Topics & Notes:
- some follow-up to AI Q&A from 2008-02-28
- Why can all contracts not be one page?
- I produce physical and electronic media, like photographs, music, websites, and graphics. What is the most reliable way to protect my work, besides actually getting/registering a copyright/trademark/etc? ~Matt in Virginia
- statutory damages & court costs
- What about Creative Commons?
- When is a Copyright created?
- How long does a Copyright last?
- why do copyrights still exist? I have the opinion that they create of a loss of creativity and competition. ~JoshB from Memphis
- Is Hulu.com – a way to view TV and Movies online for free – but is it legal?
- What is the role of a record producer?
- Become a “fan” of Artist Insider, on the Artist Insider page on Facebook.
- Also, consider the Talkshoe Application on Facebook.
- I am doing a video project for a middle school football team and want to use a song from a band I know in the background. What do I need to do to legally use that song in the video? ~Jeff from Nashville
- Jeff mentioned Music Services – it licenses music for different projects
- What is the law about making a video with background music and releasing it online without any copyright license? ~follow-up by Jeff
- We will be at the CIA Summit with our mobile recording studio on March 28th – 29th. Keith Mohr produces it.
- Music Law Biz
- Seneff Law
That does it for this week. We have a few more questions already in the que we will get to next time on March 27th. You can send in your own questions or join the show and participate *Live*. Add ArtistInsider (feed) to your favorite RSS reader to keep up to date on the news, or fill in the form to get our posts emailed to you.
[audio:http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-13972/TS-95360.mp3]*Live Q&A this Thursday 5:05 EST | March 11, 2008
This Thursday, March 13th, at 5:05pm Eastern, we will do another *Live* Artist Insider Q&A.
If you are not sure you can make the show and call in, or participate in the chat, please leave the question in the chat box on our front page, or submit it through the contact form.
Some topics and focus to come.
Artist Insider Q&A 2008-02-28 Business Independent Publishing | February 28, 2008
Third show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan
Direct Download as an MP3
Subscriptions information – download each day automatically
Questions, Topics & Notes:
- Seneff Law
- Phil Remone – Making Records
- Artist Insider Tip Jar
- Do you get in trouble if you play a clip from a TV show on the air? ~Matthew
- What about using a clip as an example in a podcast? ~Follow-up by Matthew
- What is the best way to protect your publishing rights when entering a first time record deal? ~Laura Clapp
- mentioned interview with Tom Bogan
- I have been creating graphics projects, and some music for right at 10 years. Eventually I want it to be my full time business, I should start a company or just keep doing everything under my name? ~Matt in Virginia
- The E-Myth Revisited by Michale Gerber (E-Myth.com)
- TWIT 133 in this episode of This Week in Tech, they talk with Jonathan Coulton, an independent musician and about the current music industry. Here are his Listening Suggestions. (direct download)
That does it for this week. We have a few more questions already in the que we will get to next time on March 13th. You can send in your own questions or join the show and participate *Live*. Add ArtistInsider (feed) to your favorite RSS reader to keep up to date on the news, or fill in the form to get our posts emailed to you.